I use my shop vacuum for some of the machines in my shop and thought it would be easier to leave hoses attached instead of switching them back and forth so I made this multi blast gate. The gate slides easy even with the vacuum on.
To make a box I first take some measurements. I place a hose in the vacuum cleaner and use a Wixey gauge to get the angle and it is 14 degrees.....
....and the diameter of the hole is 2 1/4 ".
The box is made of scrap 3/4 "plywood I find in my shop. I cut four pieces to 8 1/2"x5".
A drill press is set up with guides and an angle of 14 degrees. I am now ready to drill the hole using a 2 1/4" hole saw.
The piece is tested and fits nicely into the vacuum. Now the rest of the box can be built.
The pieces are laid out and ready for gluing. I use Titebond and clamp it and let it set overnight.
The front is screwed on just in case the unit has to be taken apart.
The gate is cut to size and fits perfectly in the slide.
I drilled and cut some rings for the face of the unit. They are glued on the box and will give more support for the hoses.
Ready for paint...
This is the back side with the hose connecter masked up.
The hoses are attached to the vacuum and the other ends to the bandsaw and drillpress. Both work great and the gate makes it easy to switch over from one machine to another.
See also:
Dust collector arm Make a clamp Table saw safety stop