Sunday, August 24, 2014

Mini speed Square

Here are the two squares I use the most in my shop, a speed square and a mini machinist square.  I thought I would combine the two and that's how I came up with the idea for a mini speed square.
To make the square  I cut a  piece of maple to a thickness of  1/4 inch.
This can be used for the triangle and the lip.
I made a few of these so I used different types of wood. To cut the triangle I used my table saw sled and my speed square. I just held the piece firmly and cut a few triangles.
 For the lip for the square I cut small strips 2 1/2" in length. I then glued them to the triangle.
Although it was not necessary I wanted to add a triangle in the middle, this can be used for sliding the square along a piece of wood and produce a straight line parallel to the edge. The inner triangle is 1/4 inch and 1/2 inch from the edge.
I drilled three holes and then carefully chiseled out a triangle in the middle of the piece.
Here I am testing the square for accuracy.
The square can be used as a guide for a jigsaw, the saw will cut accurately 90 deg and 45 deg  as I show in the video.

See Also:

make a work bench from one 2x4                                        fastest center line finder

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Tool Caddy


  I made a tool caddy for my work bench for easy access to most of  the tools I use frequently. This made good sense since I am forever reaching for my tools in different tool cases and then putting them back.
 Start by cutting the ends from a piece of solid oak. I still have some hardwood flooring left over so that is what I will use.

For the body three pieces of 2x4 around 9" in length are stacked together but not glued yet. Using a spacer for the middle block  I tested  the ends to see what looked best.

When I saw what I liked I used Titebond , glued and clamped the body for a couple hours.

Pattern of the ends.

 To make a nice shape on the ends I first cut some angles with the band saw and then sanded on the belt sander. I find this way easier than to set up my table saw.                                    


For the curves I first used a Forstner bit then bandsaw and cleaned up with router and some sanding.

The ends are now ready to be put on. I drilled three holes on each end and with wood screws screwed one into each 2x4.

I laid out my tools and with my marking gauge  marked where I needed to drill. This way everything stays in line and looks neat.

I drilled the holes paying close attention to the diameter and depth  for each individual tool.

             Tool Caddy finished and sits neatly on my work bench ready to use.

See also:

Marking Gauge                               Wood worker tool chest                Paper Holder


Friday, August 1, 2014

Fine Adjust Height gauge


 I built this Height Gauge a while back and it works great but now I want to  build another gauge for micro fine adjusting. I will use a dial indicator and be able to adjust to 1/1000th of an inch.

 To start I use a piece of 2x4  oak and cut a 3 1/2 inch length  on my miter sled.


To make a small cove I trace it with my hole saw and will move on to the  drill press.

 After marking I cut it on  my drill press, this can be a bit tricky because it is not a full circle so the block has to be braced firmly.
I did mine by hand but a clamp may work easier.

  Next I mark and drill the center for the stem of the dial indicator.

With the band saw I notch out the bottom.

Everything is cut and I put in the dial indicator. A small set screw was installed to keep the dial secure.

   A foot was also added to the spindle for more surface to touch the top of the blade.

See also:

circle cutting jig            Table saw jig for edge banding      Self centering drill press jig