

        Make a wooden clamp                                                     Band saw scrap bin 


             Drill trigger                                                                     Mini lathe


        Horizontal drill                                                           Micro adjust table saw sled

  Easiest ever spline jig                                                             Table saw safety stop                                                                                      





  1. I did subscribe but can not see mini lathe project?

  2. how can i get a copy of the plans to build the lathe

  3. I did subscribe but can not see mini lathe project?

  4. Jack, How did you make the jig you use to raise and lower the wood for your pencil cradle?

  5. I also can't see the lathe project. I signed up for emails; received a confirmation, but still get this error message from Blog Spot??? "Your current account ( does not have access to view this page.
    Click here to logout and change accounts." What is it talking about? I have no idea what Blog Spot is?? thank you

  6. Jack love your videos and content, but I haven't sean a video for two interested projects of yours. They are your stop block on your table saw and your pocket upper tool (lack of and official name right know. So first do you have on and second do to have plans for them. Thanks, love you "right to the point" style of videos.

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