If you want to build this attractive tool holder then you will like this article.
There are many kinds of tool holders and many ways to hang tools. I like hooks and an easy way to move them around so I came up with this idea. Lattice works great for the hooks and they can also be attached to wood cases and blocks for tools as you will see later.
The lattice, hooks and spacing
The diameter of the hooks are 3.51 mm. and the spacing of the lattice is 5.49 mm. I found this worked the best but I would suggest you buy some hooks and glue a few strips together like I did and do some testing.
The lattice strips are first cut to the length of the tool holder and the W:19mm
Tool holder frame
The cabinet will be 18"x30"
To build the frame I started with some spruce boards, I cut them to size, cleaned them up, and made some rabbet cuts on one side. These cuts will be for the back board.
I did not install my dado blade but ran the boards through the saw a few times to get the right cut. At times this can be done faster than changing the blade and setting up. Special attention should be made when moving the fence to make the perfect cut.
The wood looks rough but some light sanding will clean it up nice. I like to build things from scraps I find in my shop so it won't cost anything.
More dado cuts are made using my miter gauge. This is not hard to do it just take a little practice and a good eye.
Here you can see how it all fit together with the compartments. The cabinet it first dry fitted then glued and clamped. Remember to check for squareness when clamping. You can use a large square or a measuring tape.
Some creative clamping. Sometimes blocks are used for clamping so the clamp does not leave any marks on the wood.
Many strips are cut for the lattice. The first batch was cedar and the second set was spruce. I wanted to create a nice contrast in the wood.
I used my new wooden caliber and my dowel stop gauge to make sure the lattice was lining up and keeping square. The dowel gauge was handy because it was able to span the whole length of the tool holder.
The lattice was spaced so it would fit the hangers exactly, I even made it a little bit closer so the hangers and hooks would fit very snug, this way they would not fall out when you are handling tools. I found this a problem with the peg boards.
A small line of glue is put on each strip.
After each piece is glued and measured some weights are used for clamping. The weights do not have to sit to long, I use Titebond 2 which has a strong initial tack so a few minutes will be fine. The glue joints must not be stressed for at least 24 hours.
Small cases are made to fit drill bits, sanders and other tools.
After each small holder was made a couple of holes were drilled in the back to fit the hooks. They had to be marked exactly to fit in the vertical part of the lattice.
Making tool holders is a must for any shop. This is a great tool storage solution and is easy to build, you just need a little patience to make the lattice. The lattice and hooks make it easy to move tools around without drilling new holes.
I think it looks better than a peg board, it has a clean look and is a great system for placing many different tools. Mine did not cost me a cent since I made it from scraps in my shop.

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